Living In Sin...
So I have a girlfriend. We've been dating a little over a year and have "officially" been living together for almost 8 months. Marriage is inevitable. We've really only been waiting for me to finish school (35 days to go) and then land a REAL job (4 nights a week at a lame hotel bar isn't gonna cut it with her parents!)...
Anyhow, her parents have no idea that we are living together. Being from the Phillipines, their belief would be something to the extent of "it would "bring shame to the family." Luckily they live a good six hours away and never come to visit.
Despite our taboo existence, we are terribly happy. Living together is like the best thing ever! Love, laughter, and "The Sound of Music" fill our little villa. If "Living In Sin" is wrong, I don't want to be right!"
Here are my top five favorite things about living together.
Cheap Rent
To think a year ago I was paying more than I am now to live in a dusty 3 bedroom flat with messy roommates, and in an area where sirens blared at all hours and trash littered the streets. A year later I am in a peaceful, quiet, and immaculately clean cottage where birds chirp and squirrels play outside our front door.
I've never been much of a pack rat. The nomadic lifestyle I have lived has not allowed for it. My main possessions are my CD's, a vintage 50's dining table, and some framed Audrey Hepburn movie posters. Now I have kitchen appliances, a nice stereo, and a large bed... and I didn't have to buy them!
Our Music Collection
I have lots of CD's.... I mean LOTS! So does she. For awhile we kept our collections seperate. My Britpop Museum next to her Indie Vault. Recently this changed. I knew it was getting serious a I re-alphabetized our entire collections... together. I still refuse to sell any of our doubles, but I have to say that our "Great Wall of Music" taking up the entire NW corner of our cottage is quite impressive.
Constant Companionship
I work long days. Sometimes up to 15 hours. The best part about it though, is coming home to a warm, bright house, with food and a happy dance waiting for me. We laugh and catch up on days events over an episode of Teen Titans and Vanilla Ice Cream with Magic Shell. The perfect ending to a long day.
The Comfort Factor
Living together isn't easy. Fortunately I'm a bit older now (in my 30's) and have learned from past living situations. I know what it takes to make it work. Once you get past the initial awkwardness of say, having to have a shit while she's home, you REALLY get to know a person completely, and they get to know you... to the point where you can almost finish their sentences for them. And you sit there sometimes and you realize that this person has seen your worst habits, faults, and shortcomings (like leaving the cabinets open!) and still they love you completely.
It's the best feeling ever.
Feel free to write and tell me how sickeningly sweet and in love I sound... or write about your cohabitating horror stories if you'd like... OKBYE!
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