It's Time To Burn This Disco Down...
I admit it... I still go to Popscene. Yes, I know I'm too old to still be going there. It's full of the 18-21 year old crowd and I feel like a Grandpa there. After all, I was frequenting the place back in 1996!
Still, Popscene gets really good bands from all over the world to play there... usually right before they blow up and start playing large venues. It's about the only reason to go there anymore. It's certainly not for the music. Where Popscene was once the place to go to hear the coolest bands you've never heard, it is now so completely predictable that the other night we were making a game of guessing which songs would be played next.
The sad part is... we were usually right!
I still have much love for Popscene. I know we can "never go home again" but I think it can still be much more than what it's become. To regain its former glory, certain songs need to be removed from the songlist.
Here is my Top Five list of songs that need to be retired from Popscene:
Franz Ferdinand: Take Me Out
"Take Me Out" and fucking shoot me if I have to hear that overplayed song one more time! Jesus Christ. I didn't really like it when I first heard it and I fucking hate it now! ENOUGH!
The Postal Service: Such Great Heights
Maybe I'm just old... maybe I don't get it. Everytime it's played, the "Under 21's" scream with glee as if they've just discovered this band like last week sometime... and then I think...well, maybe they did.
The Cure: Just Like Heaven
This was one of my favorite songs BACK IN 1987! I enjoy old Cure, but for God's sake... how about playing "The Walk" or "Let's Go To Bed" or even "Killing an Arab!" C'mon... there is more to The Cure than "Just like Heaven" and "Boy's Don't Cry." Damn it.
The Smiths: This Charming Man
The funny thing about this song is that it's not a very dance-friendly song and most people look really stupid as they dance to it! And then they get all dramatic and make that pained Morrissey face as they sing along clutching their hearts... it's really embarrassing. How about some "Headmaster Ritual" or "Boy With A Thorn In His Side," or even "Bigmouth..." PLEASE!
It's not as if New Order is a One Hit Wonder band or something, but you might believe that if you only go to Popscene. Where's "Temptation?" Where's "Perfect Kiss?" Hell, I'll even settle for "Bizarre Love Triangle" if I must! But "Please Please Please" FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, let's put Blue Monday to rest.
What songs are you fucking sick of?!
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i'm tired of pulp's "disco 2000" or "common people".
it's sad when they overplay songs; it's not fun to dance to those songs anymore!
But "Disco 2000" is still fun to make out to!!!
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