Monday, May 02, 2005

Just What I Needed...

So I survived Coachella. Yes, it was really hot, yes it was really crowded, yes the food and drinks were overpriced... but you know what? I had such a good time! Lineup aside, this was my favorite Coachella to date. There have been better bands in the past, but overall this one was top shelf.

Top Five Favorite Things About The Coachella Weekend:


This was the best and worst part about Coachella. The best because they absolutely rocked! They completely exceeded my expectations pulling off one of the more exciting shows i've seen in quite a while... total rock stars! The bad part about seeing them was that they went on at 4pm and I was basically ready to go home after that! I knew no one else would be as good. Yes I still watched several other bands including The Arcade Fire, New Order, and The Faint, and I wish this whole blog posting could be about all the different amazing shows I saw, but none were nearly as good as Kasabian. I can't wait to see them again.

Rental Car

My car sucks! I'm greatful to have a car and all, but it still lags! Therefore to sit behind the wheel of a brand new Dodge Stratus with leather seats and a 5 disc in-dash CD player... was a small slice of heaven... ooh and did it ever go fast! It was nice to feel like I had status for a little while! When I dropped off the rental car and climbed back into my P.O.S., I felt like Cinderella with the carriage turning back into the pumpkin. Sad. I miss it already.

The Weather

I was expecting triple digits. Instead I never even saw 90. Don't get me wrong, it was still hotter than Hell, but it could've been worse. The early evening and nights were beautiful with a strong wind to cool things off. There's something about the desert at night. The sound of palm trees blowing in the wind... it's almost eerie in a peaceful way... sort of like how I picture death: uncertain yet calming and comforting all the same.

Road Trip

We had the Chewy Chips Ahoy, stopped for In-N-Out, had plenty of music, even more bathroom breaks, lots of laughs and DINOSAURS! We found those Dinosaurs that were in "Pee Wee's Big Adventure" and of course I had to bust out with: "Everyone I know has a big 'but'... Let's talk about your big 'but,' Simone."


I was really rundown prior to the weekend... bordering on burnt out! It was really nice to get away from it all, to forget about school, work, graduation, the upcoming job hunt... the rest of my life! Instead my focus this weekend was just on having fun... and I was able to achieve that. Now I'm back and still a bit sleepy, but recharged and focused and ready to finish these last few weeks of school...

And then it will be time for a REAL vacation.

"Vegas, here I come!"


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